Saturday, December 24, 2016

24.Future Posts

Unfortunately, the times for posting everyday are coming to an end. But please comment below if you enjoyed posts everyday. Let me know if you want me to do something like that more often than just once a year for blogmas. I know people who do vlogmas on YouTube vlog on Christmas but I feel as if Christmas is a time to celebrate with your family and not look at your computers for the next blog post or whatever. I will be posting back soon with some New Year's posts for you all for some last minute preparation.

Upcoming posts:
-New Year's DIY + Prep.
-New Year's Resolutions + more
-How to get over a cold fast!

Sorry this post is a little bit shorter. Don't spend your time looking at this post, get ready! Santa Claus is coming to town!! I'd like to say a big thank you for viewing my blogmas posts. Please give me feedback on how you like it.

Happy Holidays!


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