Wednesday, December 21, 2016

21.My Plan for Winter Break

Definitely one of my main plans is to not worry about blogging. I mean it is a LOT of work just doing daily blog posts everyday and keep them somewhat interesting. I'm thinking next week (Dec 28) I will possibly have a New Year's mega post so I can have a little bit of a break. Then I think I will be taking a week or so off from blogging and I hope you all don't mind. We still have our Twitter @chicslifestyle which I will be tweeting during the week when I am not doing blog posts. Our Twitter is a little way to get a sneak peak into my life and sometimes get a preview of what the next post will be!

I am going to be spending the majority of my break with family. I will be traveling and spending time in the snow. Just taking this time to relax since I don't have school and I have a mini-ish break from blogging.

I'd like to know what kind of posts you want to see in 2017. After Blogmas I will be making a master plan for blog posts on 2017. Here are some questions I want you all to answer in the comments.

What day of the week should I post blog posts?
Should I do multiple blog posts a week?
What kind of posts do you want to see?

I hope you all have had a fantastic year this year, don't worry we still have about 4 more posts left for 2016.


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