Tuesday, December 20, 2016

20.Time to Test it! Circular Calendar?

I was browsing tumblr the other day when I came across this picture. I thought it was so new and interesting and a different twist on how calendars are usually supposed to be like.

I was like, "this is so smart!" The month is on the most inner circle, the days of the week are in the middle circle, and the days are on the outside.
While looking at this I thought it was really cool, but also I thought that the way the person wrote everything (basically perfectly) it made it look so much better.

So I tried this out, and this is how it turned out

I'd say it is no where near as good as the picture I was going off of. I think it would work better if I had a compass to make circles. Also I thought that the circle was so big and I would go around and finish before I got all the way around, so I made some of the sections huge. And then I ran into the problem where I just needed one more section. I also made the center area a bit too large. I also missed the days of the week part so I just split the outer circle in half instead of making a whole new layer because I was lazy.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. If you try this out you can tweet me your attempts comment below how it went.


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