Friday, December 16, 2016

16.DIY Pusheen Shirt Tutorial

So I know in my past Pusheen DIY I did many options with iron on transfers. I quickly added a picture of a shirt I created with fabric markers. I was asked if I could make a tutorial of this DIY.

 For the shirt I created, I used this design. What is great about this DIY, is that you don't need to flip the image at all. Here was my finished result, and the actual picture by the finished result (sorry the reference picture is black and white, I don't own a colored printer).

For this tutorial, I will be using this picture of Pusheen. Once again, you can use any Pusheen picture you would like. Click any of the word Pusheen, for I have put a link to the Pusheen website on every single one (comment below if one isn't linked). Also I recommend searching Pusheen on Google, there are so many options.

The good thing about this picture is that it is really huge. I know this one isn't but check this link out

So First, I printed out the picture. Black and white for this is fine, because you can just have a reference picture on the computer or mobile for color reference. Then I put the printed picture inside my shirt and put my shirt up to a window to trace the lines. I used black fabric marker to trace the lines and colored sections that were colored on the picture.

Sorry I did not have a t-shirt to do the design but there is an example above where I did it with a mermaid Pusheen picture.


P.S. Pumped to announce we got a Twitter!! @chicslifestyle

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