Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Period Stories

One when I was in seventh grade, I went to school without going to the bathroom at my house first around the time that I was supposed to get my period. So, I went to school, and I was like "I think I got my period..." And sure enough I did, but luckily I had a pad in my bag. Which is why having a Period Emergency Kit is important. Because it saved me!

This was the first time I had ever gotten my period and I noticed while I was going to the bathroom before going to a track meet. And I was just like shit. My mom had just left and I didn't know what to do. So, I just took a wad of toilet paper and went to the track meet and did horribly. Then to top all that off, my friend invited me to go swimming and my mom said yes, and I didn't know what to do to go swimming so I said no and my mom had to cancel last minute. And when I ended up telling my mom, she was mad...

When I got my period for the first time, I thought it only lasted for a few days. And I was completely bummed that it lasted for up to 7 days.

Feel free to share some of your period stories in the comments! I hope you enjoyed these 7 days of posting.


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