Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Hey everyone! Happy New Year! I wanted to give you all a little update because I have some amazing ideas for the blog in 2017. So first I do have a few questions that I want to have answered in the comments.

-What day of the week should I post?
  -Should I change the day that I am posting each month?
-What kind of posts do you like to see?
-What should the favicon for the blog be?

I have also decided to add a quote at the bottom of each post I write. This is in hopes that you will get inspired, since I want this year to be a main focus on positivity and inspiration.

That is pretty much all I have to say about my blog. Although I do have some exciting posts for you all to see in the next few weeks, so get excited!


"I may be quiet, but I have so much on my mind."

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