Sunday, October 30, 2016

Last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes

Everyone. Halloween is tomorrow.

I personally know what I am going to dress up as but in past years I haven't known. This post is to help all the people out there who don't know what to dress up as.

  1. Opposite Gender
  2. Cat
  3. Dog
  4. Fairy 
  5. Princess
  6. Cop
  7. Super hero
  8. Animal
  9. Celebrity
  10. Movie character
  11. Food
There you have it a list of 11 ways you could dress up tomorrow. Sorry this post is a little short I have had a lot to do recently. New posts every Sunday

Happy Halloween,
- Caroline

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pumpkin Carving Designs

It's pretty much a week from Halloween. Is anyone excited? I don't even know if I am going trick or treating or not. I don't know what my friends are doing. If they aren't going, I guess I could go with my little sister. But anyway, it is time to decorate! Some people I know have been planning their Halloween stuff like outfit and decorations since August. I think it is a bit crazy. One essential of fall and Halloween is to have a pumpkin. At first it is probably plain but then when it becomes closer to Halloween, you carve it or decorate it. Here are some examples.

This one I thought was super cool. But I honestly don't have any artistic ability to do this. But this technique is just carving the dark orange layer on the outside so when you put a candle on the inside it shines through but with this you can do more intricate designs. You know how with some designs you need to make sure it all connects if you cut all the way through. Like if you want to do a witch flying in front of a moon, you need to leave some pumpkin uncut so it stays connected.

This is a picture of a simple cut out that you could do on your pumpkin which is usually what people do. Instead of just doing a traditional design like this, it is a possibility to do emojis. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post. I am still thinking about making a twitter if I haven't mentioned this already, should I make one? I would post like the plan for the month in posts and stuff from personal life or interesting things I find off the internet. What do you think? Comment below. Next Sunday I have my last Halloween post which is last minute DIY Halloween costumes. 

Happy Halloween,
- Caroline 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

DIY Slime

Halloween is in a few weeks so why not decorate now? Slime is super awesome and can be used for Halloween or even at other times. I made this slime when I was bored, but you can do whatever you want with this. The fun part is that you can make it however you want!!

Here is what you will need:

4-5 oz Glue (school glue, clear glue, gel glue, etc)
1 tsp Borax
1/3 cup Water (mixed with Borax)
1 cup Water (mixed with glue)
Food coloring (optional)
Glitter or add in (optional)

My Slime turned out to be a mixture of pink yellow and white. I tried to take a picture but it turned out really badly. If you search DIY Slime on YouTube there are plenty of ways and recipes. I hope you all enjoyed this post. Sorry that it is on the shorter side, or do you like when it is shorter? Comment below if you prefer a short or long post. New posts every Sunday!

- Caroline

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Benefits: Salty Ocean Water

I know this post has been majorly delayed. I just realized a few days ago that I promised I would make a post about the benefits of ocean water in my second post. Now it is weeks to months later. But hey, it's better late than never done right? Anyway, the ocean water has so many benefits and dangers. Although, there are more benefits than danger luckily.

The first benefit the cold water. Especially in New England, the water is literally always cold. In the south of France, the water can be cold sometimes, but when it becomes warm again, there are jellyfish. So the cold water help with your skin, if you have acne it is supposed to help. That is what my dad told me and I think it helped. Although in the end I ended up needing to take accutane.

Also it helps with circulation, and pains in the body, it's kind of like taking an ice bath. It also is like you are doing the polar plunge for ALS all over again. At first, it will seem really cold, but overtime you get used to it. I have been the ocean for a really long time, and when I was little I would go in and come back out right away, but now it seems like I can't be taken  out of the water.

But also you want to make sure you wear a shirt or something because my sister has gotten hypothermia from swimming in the ocean. You can also make a sea salt hair spray with ocean water. I have never tried it out so comment below if you tried this out.

I did prank my dad once by putting ocean water in a bottle, and he actually drank it, ew. It also helps out with sinuses. I do tend to have sinus problems. All you have to do it literally inhale the water and then blow it back out. I works really well

Thank you all for reading my post, please subscribe by putting your email into the box on the left. You will be notified when I post a new post, I think. But if not, new posts every Sunday at 12:00 pm ET!

Thank you for viewing,
- Caroline

🌊 🏊 💧 🏄

P.S. Stay tuned for the next 2 weeks it is Halloween prep!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September Likes

This month has been a pretty good month. So I have decided to share some of my likes and dislikes with you. And also why not test out some fonts. Comment below if you like this font.

Likes 👍:

Sports 🏆:

-Last month I joined a my school swim team and so far it has been really fun. We have had many meets and team bonding activities. If you are entering high school, I recommend joining a sport.

Music ♬:

ILoveMakonnen (feat. Drake) Tuesday
-This is a throwback song that many may not remember. Feel free to click the title on the screen, for I have put a link to the song. My sister just randomly played it the other day and I have to admit it is pretty good of a song. 

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You
-I don't know why but I just really liked this song. Justin Bieber has really changed his music and there are some songs that I really like.

Fifth Harmony - That's My Girl
-Fifth Harmony has some pretty good songs and when I heard this one I was a fan of it. Their voices all together are just amazing and I love it.

Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha - In The Name Of Love
-I have always been a fan of Martin Garrix and I especially liked his animals song. I also have recently been a fan of Bebe. I really liked her no broken hearts song. And when I heard this song I just couldn't stop listening to it. And when I say the music video I also thought it was amazing. Honestly Bebe Rexha is goals and is just flawless. Go check out IISuperwomanII's video with Bebe

Food 🍴:
-Hot chocolate/chocolate milk
I really enjoy chocolate milk or hot chocolate and this is just the perfect time of year. Since it is fall, on a chilly day, you can curl up and be all tumblr while the leaves are falling outside sitting by the fire and drinking hot chocolate. 
Also if you didn't know, chocolate milk is great for after workouts. 

YouTube 💻:
-Alisha Marie Vlogs
-Superwoman Vlogs
-How to cake it

Thoughts on this month 📅:

-I found that at school time was going by really quickly and the days seemed to be passing by really quickly. The homework load seemed to be so much more manageable this month. I know I may be even busier some days with swim meets, I am still able to get my work well done. Being on the swim team is helping me so much with my high school experience and I am making friends with upperclassmen and people in my grade. I feel like I have been in school for so long but in reality I haven't. 

-As usual, I like to show you all my tumblr feed because I'm just obsessed. So here is my feed from this month. Comment below if you like seeing my tumblr feed. Comment below what your tumblr is so I can check it out!

I just can't right now, it is so pretty!!!!

-I have recently seen on tumblr things like this and I am just truly amazed by the handwriting of these people. Like if I had notes that looked like that it would motivate me to study 5000 times better. I especially love the and just last Friday I learned she made a YouTube Channel just for studying and I was PUMPED!!! Go check it out and give her loveee Izzystudies

I hope you all enjoyed this month's likes/favorites post. I am experimenting on names at the moment so comment below a favorites post name suggestion. Also, should I put a search bar for my blog?? Comment below. Also do you like the change in font? I decided to test it out, comment below what you think. And please subscribe by entering your email on the side. There are posts every Sunday and sometimes Wednesday!!

Love you all,
✨ Caroline

Sunday, October 2, 2016

How my First Month of Freshman Year has been

Hi everyone, today I am going to be telling you about how my first month of high school has been. This is just personal experience and everyone's experience will definitely vary. So this is my experience.

So when I started school I kind of liked it but there were some classes I really didn't like too much. Go check out my post on My First Days of School. But now that a month has passed by I have definitely got adapted to things. I have had multiple quizzes, tests, and essays already. In the beginning of the school year I felt really stressed out, but now I have gotten into the groove and I like high school more than any of my other years of school. Although I have to say I don't think any year of school beats Kindergarten. So in conclusion I am really liking high school and high school swimming. I also have made new friends!!

Sorry this post is on the shorter side. But I'll make it up on Wednesday when I have a nice and long post coming out! So PLEASE Subscribe! Comment down below how school has been for you. Also happy fall and October!! There will be some Halloween posts later this month. Also, should I create a twitter? Comment below what you think please. I would also like to welcome some of our international viewers! I believe I have a few from London and France!!! Comment down below where you are from, anyone!! Don't forget to check out my previous posts Things I have Completed on my Bucket ListWhat it's like Being ShyPusheen DIY, and What to do: tumblr feed. Have an amazing month and stay focused in school or work!

-Caroline 🎃