Sunday, May 28, 2017

Generated Writing Prompt 2

“At birth, everyone has a date of when they will die tattooed on their arm. You were supposed to die yesterday.”
Today, April 6, 2017, was my last day to live. On my arm was the date 4/6/17 was the day I was going to die, at the end of the day. Some people had a long life, some people had a short life. Unfortunately, mine was going to be short. I was only 25. I had lived up my life pretty well knowing that I was going to die young. I had gone to coachella 5 times, gone to Ariana Grande concerts, gone to Disneyworld and Disneyland, Graduated College, gotten drunk and high (because yolo), and many other things. I wasn’t ready though. I felt like this day would never come, and now here it was. It was currently 3:00am and I was going to the airport. Since this was my last day, I would live it up my checking things off my bucket list and going places that I had always wanted to go, and every minute counted.
In that case, I was flying first class to my first stop, Hawaii. I wanted to go there, see the volcanoes, swim in the ocean, take amazing pictures. I was only going to stay there a few hours. I arrived in Hawaii early, so I went to the beach watched the sunrise, took pictures and went swimming. Next stop was the volcanoes. I stayed there for about another hour and a half and then it was time to head back to the airport and go back home. Next I was going to do a good deed and help the homeless. I wanted to die happy. As I was helping an old woman she said, “Sweetie, this is your last day?” “Yes ma'am.” “God bless you, thank you for helping me. You for sure will be going to heaven.” “It’s the best I can do ma’am.” I suddenly broke into tears. I was trying to make my day jam packed so I wouldn’t have to think about dieing. I was making myself blind to that thought. But as time was ticking, I realized that I didn’t want to die. I would have definitely wanted to be the old woman. Lived a long happy life and yet still alive. I got a glimpse at her arm, she wasn’t supposed to die until 12 more years. She just sat with me comforting me. It really helped, I stopped crying and thanked her for her help, and went on with my day.
Next was to pamper myself. Get a nice facial, and acrylic nails. So I went to the nail salon and got pink almond shaped acrylics. They looked so nice, so I snapped a few pictures. I was going to post these pictures later today on my instagram. It didn’t matter how many times I posted, my reason was that it was my last day. During my facial, I also took a picture.
Not sure what to do next, I called over my friends and we binge watched shows for a few hours. Then I posted some of my instagram pictures. Unfortunately, it was getting late. We went to a nice restaurant for dinner and I spent some time by myself during my last few hours. I cried a lot. I didn’t want to go. When I finally calmed myself down, I went to bed at 11:00pm. It wouldn’t matter how late I went to bed, but I didn’t want to be awake while dieing.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of bird outside of my window. Distraught, I looked at my clock, it was noon. Then it hit me… “WHAT THE FUCK?!” I quickly checked my arm. It still said 4/6/17. I wasn’t hallucinating. But how was it possible? I’M SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD! I pinched myself so many times thinking it was a dream, but no, it was a reality…

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Beverage Time with Caroline

I haven't done a ton of Q&As in a very long time. So I decided to do one today, because I didn't really know what to post.

What is your favorite and least favorite thing about Spring?
This is a good question. I like Spring because of it's warm weather... kind of... But when it starts getting warm, that means pit stains... I hate pit stains so much. But I like how Spring means that school is ending soon. I also HATE bugs. And Spring is when bugs start coming out...

What is your favorite thing about school?
Honestly I really don't like school but if I had to choose a class, I would go with printmaking. If anyone ever has a chance to do it or take a class, I would 100% recommend.

How does your morning routine change for Spring?
My morning routine doesn't really change. The only thing that changes is the clothes I put on in the morning.

Hope you all enjoyed this post. If you have any more questions, comment below.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Arena Faskskin Review

A good thing about the arena fastskin was its price. It wasn't extremely expensive. Although, the low price really impacts the quality of the suit. The suit was great on the first two uses. Then after that, I started to notice that in some areas, the water was no longer repelling. When I compare the Arena fastskin to a Speedo tech suit, the difference is very large.

Arena Fastskin
Speedo Tech Suits
Low Price
Higher Price
Low quality
Higher quality
Water was being absorbed in spots after 3 uses
Was still repelling water after 3 uses
Inner fabric gets loose after 3 uses
Stays very tight for many races
I'm not saying that all arena tech suits are bad, it's just that I would not recommend buying this specific arena tech suit.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Generated Writing Prompt 1

“‘In my free time, I sank ships’”
I hated school. Everyday I would walk in and try to fit in. But I didn’t. I was a fish out of the water, literally. My parents were both mermaids. The only reason why I was on land, was because of this magical necklace. No one could ever take it off of me. I lived alone on land. My parents sent me up here in the fall for me to get a better education. So now, I was an “orphan” high schooler. I lived in a foster home unfortunately the parents had a son, who was the most popular kid in school, Eric. Eric was a major fuckboy. I don’t even know how his parents allowed this. He is only 15! School was a hell hole and getting bullied didn’t make it any better. I had an accent. Us mermaids didn’t speak English. I had to learn it in the ocean before surfacing. When I am finished with school, I plan to jump right back into the ocean, forget all my English and NEVER go back.

School and homework took up all my time. Sometimes I did have some free time though. In my freetime, I sank ships. I know it sounds crazy. I would tell my foster parents that I was going to the mall. I would go out walk to a bus stop, take the bus in the direction of the mall so they wouldn’t get suspicious, then take another bus to the ocean. Then, I would go swimming, and deactivate my necklace that kept me a human. Sinking ships is a normal thing for mermaids. If you want a new house, sink a ship and that can be your house. We don’t like humans so we don’t feel bad doing so.

Swimming far out, I finally came across the perfect ship. I did my “magic” to bring the ship underwater. Slowly overtime, it came down slowly falling to the bottom of the ocean. I saw the people in the boat try to swim out and get to the surface. When they were not even a quarter of the way there, they stopped and their now dead bodies drifted to the bottom of the ocean. I small evil laugh escaped my lips, as I swam back to shore, and turned back into a human.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How To: Get Rid of a Cold Fast

Colds are extremely annoying. So, I am going to be showing you all a few ways how to get rid of your cold quicker.

1. Fruits and vegetables

2. Exercise

3. Stay warm

4. Get lots of sleep

5. Hydrate yourself!

6. Clear your sinuses
Boil water and add essential oils into a bowl. Hover your head on top of the bowl and place a towel on top of your head. This helps a lot.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

I Try Using Quizlet for Studying

I once tried to use quizlet for a geometry test and it wasn't very effective. I would recommend using quizlet for studying terms and definitions. My number one use for quizlet is for flashcards for a language. I find it extremely helpful. Even though you might not know all the terms, spend some time on quizlet playing the quizlet activities and it really helps.

I used quizlet the night before I had a discussion in German, and it helped me a lot. I wanted to make sure that I was going to do well on the discussion, and I was confident in myself coming out of it. So I would recommend using quizlet to all of you.
