Sunday, March 5, 2017

Printable Organizers

Hi everyone! I feel like I've been a little bit off of my game recently in terms of posting. I'm sorry about that. It's just that this time of the year is championship time so there are a ton of swim meets. I'm sorry this post is coming out very late, I have not been on top of my game recently.

On my recent favorites post, I mentioned some printable calendars and organizers. And I wanted to make a more elaborate post about it for you all.

📅 Printable Calendars 📅:
Why buy a calendar when you can print one online for free?

📅 #1:

Here is what it looks like for this month (it is actually in color)
📅 #2:
Here is what it looks like (also originally in color)

📅 Comparison:
I think that ðŸ“… #2 is more practical than ðŸ“… #1. ðŸ“… #2 has boxes for the days so you can write things that are happening on that day. Whereas ðŸ“… #1 is more for just a show and knowing what day it is. 

Why not get yourself more organized with just a few printed pieces of paper?

I love this website because there are so many options of planners and colors of your planner

Day by Day:
This is more of a what you need to do for the day kind of to do list. I used it a few times and I really like it.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. Sorry it's coming out late, and I have been off of my game. 

Have a great day,
-Caroline :)

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