Sunday, November 27, 2016

Blogmas 2016 Information

Hello everyone, it is soon to become my favorite time of the year. It is December. December is the fabulous month where it becomes winter, there is snow, no school, and the holidays. So, as a celebration of that, many people on YouTube do Vlogmas. But since I don't have a YouTube channel, (Should I make one?) It made my own spin on Vlogmas by creating Blogmas. So for the month of December I will be posting everyday until December 24. Exciting right? Here I have a slight rough schedule of how the month is going to go. There aren't many specific times because it depends on the day. So I recommend subscribing by entering your email on the left so you can get notified when I post.

    1. Beverage Time with Caroline  
    2. November Favs
    3. Organization to Survive School
    4. Update
    5. Computer Decor
    6. Reacting to regular people try competitive suits
    7. My Bucket List
    8. Why Winter is the Best Season
    9. Indoor Christmas DIY
    10. Why I dislike Holiday Giveaways
    11. Outdoor Christmas DIY
    12. Creating Stop motion videos
    13. #JustSwimThings
    14. Holiday DIY
    15. I attempt to make studyblr notes
    16. DIY Pusheen Shirt Tutorial
    17. I try to make tumblr outlines
    18. Last Minute Gift DIY
    19. Things to do with snow (assuming it will have snowed by then)
    20. Time to Test it! Circular Calendar?
    21. My Plan for Winter Break
    22. Why Snow is the Best thing Ever.
    23. Christmas Prep
    24. Future Posts

    So I hope you all are excited for future posts! I will try to make them all super good quality and content but I don't know I already feel overwhelmed by all the posts I have to do. For the to be determined days comment below what I should do. See you for 24 days everyday next month!

    Love you all,

    Sunday, November 20, 2016

    What to do: More with tumblr feed

    I noticed that you all seemed to enjoy my previous post about tumblr called What to do: tumblr feed. If you missed it, go check it out!! Ever since then, I have a few new tumblr feed screenshots to show you all. And now I am going to be showing you some new ways to flaunt your aesthetically pleasing tumblr feed. So here is my tumblr feed from the past few months.

    Honestly every month's feed becomes my new favorite. I honestly just want to show off my feeds so badly. In the second one I found a pink canyon that I thought was so cool. Comment down below your tumblrs so I can go check them out!

    So I recently got some amazing new ideas of what to do with tumblr feeds. You print out the picture and glue it onto the cover of your notebook. And if it isn't a spiral notebook and fairly small, maybe you can wrap the whole thing in it.

    I know I already showed you all DecalGirl before, but I want to show you all again.

    I just can't right now. I want an apple computer so badly so I can do this. omg. I am obsessed with this, please tell me I am not the only one.

    Next what you can do is print your tumblr feed out and put it on a notebook. Some teachers are like "Customize the cover of your notebook!" So now you can just use this option and it is super easy because you print out the page already in a collage format then print it out and glue it on. Here are a few more of tumblr feed pictures. Last month I just found so many good places to get pictures.

    I thought that if you are enjoying any of these pictures that I find I thought why not show you all some of the tumblr accounts I am reblogging these pictures from. A lot of my reblogs have been from an account travelaway, adore-europe, and Isleofsky.

    This is probably not such a great idea but this is like if you are desperate. If you need to wrap a present and you are out of wrapping paper you could always print out your tumblr feed and use it as some literal wrapping paper.

    I hope you all enjoyed this post. I know this may not have been as epic as my last what to do with your tumblr feed but let me know of other ways you can use your tumblr feed and if you want to see more of this what to do with your tumblr feed. Overall what kind of posts do you want to see?

    Lots of love,
    - Caroline

    Sunday, November 13, 2016

    Testing DIY Matte Lipstick

    Welcome to Chic Lifestyle Beauty

    So I'm one of those people who wants matte lipstick but is never able to get some. So when I saw a DIY Matte Lipstick on YouTube by AwesomenessTV I had to try it out. So today I tried it out.

    What you will be needing for this DIY is matte foundation, oil (cocoanut, almond, etc), eye shadow, plastic surface for mixing. In this picture below I know my foundation it weird looking. I used it all up and I had to add oil into the bottle to get as much out as I could. Then I added in some purple eye shadow and mixed it up and it ended up looking brown. I also swatched it on my hand and then put it on my lips with a q-tip. I noticed that on my lips the solution turned out much darker.

    And it worked! It didn't dry your lips and it does dry to become matte. I tried doing this DIY with tinted moisturizer and it didn't work out. I also noticed that when using tinted moisturizer, you needed to use so much more eye shadow. Also I tried it with a light brown eye shadow and it turned out to be a yellow-ish color.

    I hope you all like this post. Comment below if you want more beauty posts kind of like this one. New posts every Sunday, and Happy October everyone!

    - Caroline
    👻 ðŸŽƒ

    Sunday, November 6, 2016

    The Craziest Weekend Ever - Team Sleepover

    This weekend was pretty crazy, which I the reason why I am posting so late. I mean, you would be notified about my posting if you were subscribed! Come on, it's just a few simple steps. No pressure, don't worry.

    So this past weekend I went to a swim team sleepover. It started at 8:00 pm on Saturday (11/5/16). We started off the night by just talking and drinking lemonade, sprite, or iced tea. Then we were given some joke gifts based on our personalities. Then I was in a little group that played Bean Boozled. I got some pretty bad ones. At one point I got dead fish!! It was soooo gross. But then I was able to wash down the taste with some ice cream and my favorite, rainbow sprinkles!!! Then we went up into the host's super adorable room and played superlatives. If you don't know what that is, superlatives are the most likely too... So basically you would wisper a most likely to thing in someone's ear and then out loud they would say who they think would do the thing you said. At the end you share out what you said. Make sure not to get offended by anything anyone says. Then some people wanted to watch a scary movie. And I am not about scary movies so I chilled with the girls who didn't want to watch it while the others watched "Silence of the Lambs". So we just hung out 7 people crammed in a bed talking about stuff. At about 1:00 am we decided it was time to go to bed. One girl had already fallen asleep. It took me a little bit to go to bed and a lot of people were coming into our room and being like "wow there are so many people in there" just a reminder that there were 4 people in 1 bed and 3 sleeping on the floor. Apparently some other people went to bed at 4:00 am.

    I woke up at about 7:30 am. And I didn't really know what to do. No one in my room was awake and I wasn't sure if anyone else in the house was awake. I didn't know what to do, so I just decided to stay on my little camping mattress on the floor until 8:30 am when a girl in our room had set her alarm. Then when everyone woke up. We kind of debriefed of what happened the night before. [forgot to include this, we moved from the hostess' room to a room in the attic where it was much cooler and better for the people with allergies. (she had a cat)] Since many of the girls fell asleep and didn't remember some stuff. lol. Then we went to eat breakfast which was so good. There were lots of options of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and hot chocolate. It was all so good. I left the house at about 9:30 am.

    I just decided why not give you a little bit more of what happened outside of the sleepover. Then I had swim practice at 10:30 am. So I went from the sleepover to my house, to swimming. It was rough but luckily practice wasn't too bad. Practice ended at 12:20 pm and after we all took showers and it was sooo nice. When I got home I started studying and doing homework and nothing too interesting.

    So the clocks switched this weekend and we got and extra hour of sleep! But now the sun sets at like 4 pm and it is so weird. This weekend was crazy but kind of nice. I'll see you all next Sunday with another post that I can promise you is coming out at 12:00 pm EST. Have a great week!

