Sunday, September 18, 2016

What it's like Being Shy

I among many people are shy. I'm going to let you all into the life of a shy person in case you don't know. Just a disclaimer, you may be shy, but I am only speaking from my point of view. Comment below your experiences if you are shy or just comment.

Personally, I think being shy sucks. It's like sometimes you want to say something but for some reason you just can't bring yourself to say it. I don't even know why, you just can't. And sometimes same goes with talking to people. And the worst part is wanting to do something, not doing it, and then regretting not doing it later. Also in life, you can't really be shy. In school there is a participation grade, at work, camp, basically everywhere.

There are also sometimes things that people say to shy people that you really shouldn't. For example, "Wow, she actually talks." It's literally the most annoying thing on earth. I just shake it off usually though but it really annoys me. Am I the only one?! Comment below and let me know.

This Summer I have worked on getting out of my shell of shyness. I am still working on it and have lots of work to do. In the end it's all about being brave and being able to take the step to not be shy. Otherwise, the sad truth is you won't get very far in life.

I hope you all got a little look into what it's like being shy. Comment below if you are shy. Also shy ones, let me know if I missed anything. New posts every Sunday, and I am quite aware that this post is actually pretty short. It's a little switch up for a little.

- ✌ Caroline

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