Sunday, September 25, 2016

Things I have Completed on my Bucket List

  1. learn to surf
  2. learn to snowboard
  3. get an animal onsie
  4. go to Disney land
  5. go to Yogurtology
  6. go to little Tokyo
  7. visit the golden gate bridge
  8. go to a concert
  9. go to Coachella
  10. find love
  11. run the Color Me Rad 5k
  12. get good grades  (working on it)
  13. get into a good college
  14. make high school amazing
  15. kiss someone on new years
  16. see the northern lights
  17. go to London
  18. go to California
  19. learn to skateboard
  20. have long hair
  21. live with my friends
  22. go to the Olympic trials
  23. conquer my fears (working on it)
  24. get Netflix
  25. use a fake name at Starbucks
  26. do something crazy in public
  27. own a pool
  28. have children
  29. watch a sunrise
  30. stop being shy  (working on it)
  31. play messy twister
  32. get tan  
  33. own reflecting sunglasses  
  34. have amazing skin  
  35. be confident in myself  (working on it)
  36. graduate college
  37. take good photos  
  38. eat healthy for at least a month
  39. have perfect nails
  40. get a good paying job
  41. get black lipstick
  42. kiss in the snow
  43. kiss someone
  44. own a dog
  45. own a cat
  46. see the ball drop in Times Square
  47. finish an entire eraser
  48. find out that i'm someone's crush
  49. go to a school football game
  50. be able to type without looking  (working on it)
  51. learn to french braid properly
  52. stay awake all night
  53. go to the Bahamas 
  54. babysit
  55. have the best dorm in college
  56. learn Japanese
  57. be in a movie
  58. create a product
  59. own a pair of high heels
  60. publish a book
  61. go to my friends weddings
  62. get a romper
  63. get a skater skirt
  64. make high school better than any other school years
  65. own nice makeup
  66. learn to DJ
  67. buy my first apartment
  68. buy my first house
  69. get my dream car
  70. become famous
  71. have an amazing wedding
  72. have a pen pal
  73. get black nail polish
  74. go on a Ferris wheel 
  75. go to the Lush factory
  76. do an open water swim  
  77. be best friends with a celebrity 
  78. Learn to sail  
  79. Learn to windsurf  
  80. Learn to Paddle board  ✔ 
  81. Travel unattended  ✔ 
  82. Go to overnight camp

I hope you all enjoyed this post. Let me know if you have done any of these things on my bucket list in the comments below. New posts every Sunday ♥.

- Caroline

Sunday, September 18, 2016

What it's like Being Shy

I among many people are shy. I'm going to let you all into the life of a shy person in case you don't know. Just a disclaimer, you may be shy, but I am only speaking from my point of view. Comment below your experiences if you are shy or just comment.

Personally, I think being shy sucks. It's like sometimes you want to say something but for some reason you just can't bring yourself to say it. I don't even know why, you just can't. And sometimes same goes with talking to people. And the worst part is wanting to do something, not doing it, and then regretting not doing it later. Also in life, you can't really be shy. In school there is a participation grade, at work, camp, basically everywhere.

There are also sometimes things that people say to shy people that you really shouldn't. For example, "Wow, she actually talks." It's literally the most annoying thing on earth. I just shake it off usually though but it really annoys me. Am I the only one?! Comment below and let me know.

This Summer I have worked on getting out of my shell of shyness. I am still working on it and have lots of work to do. In the end it's all about being brave and being able to take the step to not be shy. Otherwise, the sad truth is you won't get very far in life.

I hope you all got a little look into what it's like being shy. Comment below if you are shy. Also shy ones, let me know if I missed anything. New posts every Sunday, and I am quite aware that this post is actually pretty short. It's a little switch up for a little.

- ✌ Caroline

Monday, September 12, 2016

Pusheen DIY

I think it is safe to say everyone likes Pusheen the cat. Please tell me I am not the only one who is obsessed with Pusheen. I mean, who couldn't??

Today I am going to be showing you all different DIYs you can do with your amazing Pusheen pictures. I definitely am going to be making every single of these DIYs.

DIY 1: Workout T-Shirt

For this DIY, we will be using this picture of Pusheen working out. For this DIY, you will be needing iron on transfer sheets, a printer (preferably colored), and a t-shirt, tank top, or where ever you want to put this.

First, you will need to flip the picture, unless you want your picture to turn out flipped. Here is how you do it. First go into google docs, then insert a drawing, put your picture into the drawing, right click your picture, and go to rotate, flip horizontally. Then save and close, here are the results.

Next, you want to make sure you follow the instructions on your iron on transfer sheets. And then, enjoy! Comment below what you thought of this DIY if you made it!

DIY 2: Duvet Cover

In New England, the winters are brutal, I know its not winter yet, but even in the fall it snows. So it is really uncommon not to have a duvet. You want to make sure you have a duvet cover, otherwise your duvet will turn yellow... Here are the pictures we will be using for this DIY.

Like before, you need to flip the images and go according to your iron on transfer sheet instructions. Also these are just some recommendation pictures for your DIYs. Feel free to go search Pusheen on Google.

DIY 3: Apron

In this DIY we will be needing an apron, a Pusheen picture, iron on transfer sheets, and scissors. This is the picture we will be using.

Add this onto your apron and it will make a super cute customized apron!

Also I'm just letting you all know that you do not need to do this technique. I created a DIY Pusheen shirt with sharpies and fabric markers. Here are the results.

I hope you all enjoyed these Pusheen DIYs. Here are all the Flipped Pusheen Images used in this post if you want to use them. Comment below if you made any of these DIYs. If so, what did you think? New posts every Sunday and do me a favor, please subscribe by entering your email into the box on the side.

- Caroline 😺

P.S. There will be a post about how to make a t-shirt like the one I did in the 2 last photos. 👍

Sunday, September 4, 2016

What to do: tumblr feed

I think my tumblr feed is pretty aesthetically pleasing. When I look at it I guess it seems to relax me or something. I use tumblr as a way to find pretty pictures and put them together in a theme. I don't know what kind of theme it is, let's just call it Caroline's theme. Here are a few screenshots of my tumblr feed.

And as I took pictures of my tumblr theme, I got an amazing idea. Your tumblr archive, is basically a collage. And I have used this website before called DecalGirl where you can create skins and cases for your electronic devices and I thought your tumblr feed would be such a great idea to use!

So I went onto DecalGirl and I picked a random computer to try one of my instagram feed pictures, and was so shocked on how well it actually turned out. Soooo, I created a DecalGirl account, ChicLifestyle, so now you all can see the design for yourself. Check it out!

Also another thing you could do with your tumblr feed is just to print it and have a collage up in your room. I am just so obsessed with my instagram feed, that I decided to take 2 more screenshots and show you all.

So there you have it! What you can do with your tumblr feed other than look at it. I mean, those hours of searching shouldn't just go to waste, flaunt it!!!! I hope you enjoyed this post, comment below what kinds of posts I should create next. New posts every Sunday, love you all 😘.

- Caroline 😘😘😘😘😘😘

Saturday, September 3, 2016

My First Days of School

This Wednesday (August 31) I went back to school. If you have been keeping up with the blog you will know about this. (subscribe by entering your email on the side) And this post will be about what I thought about these first 3 days of high school.

Wednesday August 31, 2016 - First day of High School

Today, I thought, was going to be great. I had an expectation in mind where I had all my classes with friends. When I arrived at school everything was going great, I saw some of my sister's friends and they said hi to me! I felt totally welcome. Throughout my first few classes I though everything is going great! Until I got to English... I was originally supposed to be in ACP (Advanced College Prep), but over the summer my mom wanted me to switch to Honors. I thought it wasn't going to be that bad. When I stepping into the classroom, I thought "shit." Everyone sitting in that room was so smart and got A as a grade all the time. I was sitting in that room stressing out and thinking I was hella stupid, I was having major regrets about the decision I made over the summer. The rest of my day wasn't too great either. I just kept thinking I was so stupid and I was just depressed. The day ended with a breakdown...

Thursday September 1, 2016 - Second day of High School

Today was soooooo much better! This could possibly be my favorite day out of my schedule, no English 😊. It seemed as if I had been in school for so long, not just my second day. Today was really good, I started to get an actual load of homework and even though I wasn't a ton, it felt like a lot. Going to school I had to bring my swim bag and it was so weird because when  I opened my locker there was someone else's things in it! So I was like "hell naw" So I quickly moved the stuff to another locker. Honestly though, I am not going to carry around another backpack that is even bulkier that a school backpack. After swimming I was starting to feel really stressed because I had still a lot of homework and it was getting late. I ended up finishing my homework after 11 and again ended the day with a breakdown. I feel like I was still stressed. I couldn't really explain it.

Friday September 2, 2016 - Third day of High School

Today I think was the best day out of all my days in high school so far. I started the day off with a study hall where a finished some homework that I didn't finish last night. I had to bring my swim bag to school again today. It was nice because I had an 8:30 day so I was able to sleep in until 7:00. I then had English which I was so nervous about. I decided last night that I had to give English another shot. I mean I didn't have any choice but I was glad that I came into the class open minded. The class was so fun, then I had lunch which was also good. So far I haven't had any lunches with my friends which stinks, but it's okay, I sit with a group of girls I'm friendly with. Then I had German and History. I was a little unsure about history but it turned out to be fun. After school I was waiting for a ride to swimming and I don't know what was going on. All of a sudden the football coach came in with a huge bag full of subway sandwiches. And the next thing I know the whole football team is eating subway sandwiches... 

I hope you all enjoyed knowing how my first 3 days of school went. If you are back to school, comment below how it has been so far. If you haven't comment when you are going back to school. 
