Sunday, July 31, 2016

Essentials: On a Plane

So it's literally a day away from August. That could mean that you are doing a last minute trip somewhere, or coming back from a place where you spent a whole summer. Maybe you need to take a plane. In that case, it's your lucky day, I have a list of essentials that you need on your plane ride no matter how long it may be.

1. The first essential I think you should have is a notebook and pens. Every time I travel on a plane, I have a notebook and I really like that because I am able to right things down, generate ideas for my blog or other things, or create lists of what I want to do where I'm going. I also like to sometimes doodle, like drawing eyes, eyebrows, faces, and people. I know I'm not the best drawer though. You could also create a story about yourself, or someone else even. You can get notebooks at staples and target or even use one leftover from school, but I recommend getting one from target because they can be pretty cheap.

2. The second essential I think is headphones. On a plane you need headphones to listen to music or watch movies. Sometimes the planes provide headphones but I'm pretty sure they aren't the best quality. I know that if you have an iPhone that it came with headphones so you can use those, or you can probably get some of of amazon or go to Best Buy or something like that.

3. The third essential you should bring is an eye mask. I know that planes provide these, and I think they are really useful but sometimes uncomfortable. But it is pretty annoying because I've found that planes only turnoff their lights for about an hour almost like past midnight or something. It's ridiculous. Also if you are one of those people who fall asleep the minute you sit on the plane, it may help to wear this? But if you are sensitive to light when you sleep, this will definitely help block out the light. Because even when the lights are off on the plane, it isn't pitch black.

4. I think the fourth essential should be coloring sheets. You know when you get on a plane and your on it early so you can't just go onto the screens, you have to wait like a while. Or maybe you are coloring to help reduce your stress or anxiety. I mean it is a bit crazy that you  are putting your whole life in the hands of 2 or 3 people. That is why I don't want to become a pilot. Anyway, you can get coloring sheets off random websites or google. I found this website Everything Etsy which has a lot of different coloring sheets for adults or basically anyone. There is one of an elephant that I have seen a lot of people at my school do. (I took a screenshot but on the website you can get a larger version)

5. Definitely another essential is snacks because the packet of peanuts and pretzels and occasional beverages just aren't enough. I would pack stuff like chips, or more pretzels, whatever you want. But no liquids, because if you are bringing liquids through security, they will test it and then they will make you drink it... That was from personal experience. But in those shops by the gates you can get food. It might be expensive, but it is probably the only good thing you will have until you reach your destination. To be honest, I don't think plane food is that good. If you fly Delta, from personal experience, if your flight is delayed twice at the gate you get food and drinks. Like cookies and chips (I grabbed like 5 bags of chips and it was great).

I hope you all enjoyed this post. I'm sorry I was writing so much as I usually do. Once on a plane I was waiting for the bathroom with this man and one person was in the bathroom for a really long time and he was like "they must be really stuck." -"Yeah." I was pretty funny I have to admit. New posts every Sunday!

- Caroline ðŸ’‹

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Tips: Boogie Boarding

From what I know Boogie Boarding is know to people from the Northern East of the United States, aka New England. Boogie boarding is done is the ocean and it is kind of like surfing except you lie on your stomach on the board. You never get on your feet. How? You go to the ocean and when a wave is approaching, you get ready and then when it is about to break, you let the wave do it's thing. I think the bigger the wave, the better it is.

When you boogie board you are in the ocean and the ocean is cold. So you are going to need a rash guard or t-shirt. Rash guards are sold at places like Roxy, Lands End, O'Neil, etc. You also need a boogie board and they don't need to be expensive, unless you want to it to last long. Boogie boards also come in so many different sizes. There are some that are tinier than a small kick board. I got my boogie board this year from the dump reusable section. Don't worry it was actually found brand new and wrapped. But you can get your boogie board from Christmas Tree Shops. I got mine last year and it worked well. I mean, it did snap in half, but I was still able to boogie board with it. Also you don't even need a boogie board to boogie board you could just boogie board with your body. I mean my dad does it, but it's probably better to just get a board.

But in boogie boarding you have to be careful also. Sometimes your legs get scratched up by the rocks on the ground while getting pushed by a wave. That is probably the only thing that is going to happen to you, but as a precaution I want to tell you these next 2 things. The first thing you need to watch out for are sharks. In New England there are sharks. Especially on Cape Cod (check out my adventure on Cape Cod in my previous post). When you know a shark could be nearby is when you see a gray seal. This is how they look.

Please stay away from gray seals. Great white sharks feed on gray seals. When you see a gray seal in the water, it does not mean that there a shark nearby, but you never know. So if you are in the water and see a seal, at least swim far away from it or get out of the water. Also if you see a shark fin, do not go in the water, or if you are in the water, GET OUT. This is what the shark fin looks like.

I also need to warn you all about rip tides. A rip tide is a tide that pulls you out to sea. When you are in a rip tide, do not panic and swim parallel to the beach until you are out of the rip tide and swim back to shore. My uncle has been stuck in a rip tide twice. He is a great swimmer and once it was even difficult for him to get out of the tide so be careful. If you can't swim out of the tide, wave your arms and yell help. This is what a rip tide looks like.

I hope you all enjoyed learning about boogie boarding. Please be careful out in the ocean, it isn't as safe as you might think. My worst nightmare is getting pulled out in a rip tide and then a shark coming for me. Let's knock on wood and hope it doesn't happen. I honestly kind of freaked myself out putting the shark fin picture in my post. I'm pretty sure I have seen a rip tide and shark before. So be careful and new post every Sunday.

- Caroline

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cake by the Ocean - Cape Cod Week Trip

A few weeks ago I visited Cape Cod for a week. I went there for my little sister's birthday, she's turning 5. At Cape Cod, we had many adventures. Biking, Kayaking, Swimming, and Boogie boarding. If you are not familiar with the concept of boogie boarding, then you should be, it is close to surfing somewhat. There will be a post all about it soon. I spent a lot of my time in the ocean which yes, is cold, but if you throw on a t-shirt or rash guard, you'll be fine. I sometimes have sinus problems and ocean salt water is great for it. Here's the trick, literally inhale the ocean water and then blow it out, all through your nose. There will also be a post soon about benefits of salt water or something like that. When my sister's birthday came around we had a Carvel ice cream cake, you can never go wrong with an ice cream cake. Then at the end of the day we hit the beach to do sparklers, they are always so much fun. On the 4th of July, my family went to go see the fireworks. Since my sister is only 5, we only saw a little bit of the fireworks. I realized that fireworks are just the same and they just get repeated throughout the show. We also had a bonfire on the beach one day. We had hot dogs cooked over the flame, and corn, and then for dessert, we had marshmallows!!

I have to say there were some really amazing sunsets seen on this trip. I also got nicely sunburnt as well. And being a ginger, you are first red as a lobster, and then it usually turns all freckled and rarely a tan. I think in my case I got tan and freckled. And now, my skin is dry... And also peeling... But in the end it was all so much fun and I am so glad that I got an oportunity to go to Cape Cod and have so many awesome adventures there. On Cape Cod there are some surfing schools there so next year, I may learn to surf! That will be something to check off my bucket list! ðŸ˜Š

I hope you all enjoyed this post and getting a look into my personal life. There will be some more soon. Below there are 8 pictures that I have selected from the many pictures that I took on this trip. New posts every Sunday!

- Caroline

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Get to know me! / 50 facts about me

  1. my name is caroline
  2. I'm 14
  3. Entering high school
  4. I'm ginger
  5. Athletic
  6. I have double jointed fingers
  7. I'm from New England USA
  8. My sign is Pisces
  9. I'm about 5' 6" ish
  10. I'm a middle child
  11. Single af
  12. My favorite color is purple
  13. One of my favorite foods is fruit
  14. I don't like eating vegetables
  15. I've never ever had a pet
  16. My favorite subject is science
  17. I had acne
  18. I have pretty pale skin
  19. People call me shy
  20. I have brown eyes
  21. I swim
  22. Most of the time I wear hand me downs
  23. I don't have a great sense of style... (I'm working on it)
  24. I like pop music
  25. I can't wait until I'm able to drive 
  26. I have braces
  27. I'm slightly, just slightly, obsessed with tumblr
  28. I don't wear makeup
  29. I have freckles on my face
  30. I spend a lot of time by the water
  31. I don't have any allergies
  32. I'm a very picky eater
  33. One of my favorite candies are Milky Way
  34. I like to cook
  35. Also I really like Trolli sour candy crawlers, they are soooo good
  36. The beach or pool is most likely my happy place
  37. My hair is really thick
  38. I have fairly large muscles (not to brag)
  39. I don't really have a social life (thanks to swimming)
  40. I am interested in photography. I'm not the best but not the worst
  41. I like to bake (especially chocolate chip cookies)
  42. I like art
  43. Artistic
  44. Creative
  45. I get inspired by athletes like Micheal Phelps, Missy Franklin, etc.
  46. I like longer events in swimming and track
  47. I hope to go to the olympics one day or olympic trials
  48. I watch the show the Bachelor/ette
  49. I'm bicultural
  50. I'm AWESOME 
I hope you all liked the 50 facts about me. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask in the comments. Thank you for coming to view my blog, new posts every Sunday.

- Caroline