- learn to surf
- learn to snowboard
- get an animal onsie
- go to Disney land
- go to Yogurtology
- go to little Tokyo
- visit the golden gate bridge
- go to a concert
- go to Coachella
- find love
- run the Color Me Rad 5k
- get good grades (working on it)
- get into a good college
- make high school amazing
- kiss someone on new years
- see the northern lights
- go to London
- go to California
- learn to skateboard
- have long hair
- live with my friends
- go to the Olympic trials
- conquer my fears (working on it)
- get Netflix
- use a fake name at Starbucks
- do something crazy in public
- own a pool
- have children
- watch a sunrise
- stop being shy (working on it)
- play messy twister
- get tan ✔
- own reflecting sunglasses ✔
- have amazing skin ✔
- be confident in myself (working on it)
- graduate college
- take good photos ✔
- eat healthy for at least a month
- have perfect nails
- get a good paying job
- get black lipstick
- kiss in the snow
- kiss someone
- own a dog
- own a cat
- see the ball drop in Times Square
- finish an entire eraser
- find out that i'm someone's crush
- go to a school football game
- be able to type without looking (working on it)
- learn to french braid properly
- stay awake all night
- go to the Bahamas
- babysit
- have the best dorm in college
- learn Japanese
- be in a movie
- create a product
- own a pair of high heels
- publish a book
- go to my friends weddings
- get a romper
- get a skater skirt
- make high school better than any other school years
- own nice makeup
- learn to DJ
- buy my first apartment
- buy my first house
- get my dream car
- become famous
- have an amazing wedding
- have a pen pal
- get black nail polish
- go on a Ferris wheel
- go to the Lush factory
- do an open water swim ✔
- be best friends with a celebrity
- Learn to sail ✔
- Learn to windsurf ✔
- Learn to Paddle board ✔
- Travel unattended ✔
- Go to overnight camp
I hope you all enjoyed this post. Let me know if you have done any of these things on my bucket list in the comments below. New posts every Sunday ♥.
- Caroline
- Caroline