Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Generated Writing Prompt 3

“All Prisons have been moved 1 mile under the ocean. Prisoners wonder if escape is possible.”
My name is Elizabeth. I’m 19 years old and in prison. Why? I robbed a bank, okay? My family is poor and we needed money. I’ve done it multiple times, but this time I wasn’t careful enough. So I got busted and sent to jail. I’ve been here for about a year now. 19 more years left to go, lit… So today, we were told that our orange suited selves were going into submarines. The Police handcuffed us because we can’t be trusted, and sent into submarines. “Yo dawg, you know where we’re going?” My jail friend Mad Hatter asked. I don’t know why that is her name. When I asked, I got beaten up, so everyone just goes with it. “No fucking clue yo.” added Knuckles. “Same here.” If you were wondering, my nickname is Baby, as in the youngest one there. The Next thing we knew was that we were thrown in a place underwater and uncuffed. “How deep are we?” I immediately asked. From the looks of outside the tiny and incredibly thick window we were deep. “A mile.” The guard responded. “Yo, what the fuck…” moaned a few people. I sat there for a bit in disbelief. I used to swim, a mile is about 1650 yards or 66 laps in a 25 yard pool. There was no way in hell we could get to the surface without drowning. Basically life in prison, here we come...

P.S. Next week there will be NO POSTS because I have finals :/ After that, the schedule will continue normally.

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